• Historical

    Historical: Victorian London @tashamash #RLFblog

    Luminous Memories of Alexander Vile

    Today we’re interviewing N Jones, author of The Luminous
    Memories of Alexander Vile. Tell us about this book.

    In 1891, in the suburbs of Victorian London, a tragedy took
    place. Here is a tragic tale compiled by the Maid, who worked her whole life
    for Alexander Vile, and his late family. She remembers as she wanders up the
    cobbled streets that echo her every footstep and underneath the over-bearing
    trees which give her sunless days. She paces through the open market squares
    where strangers are living their life as if no event took place, all gathering
    to find out about the innovations, all dressed in blacks and greys. While the
    world is whizzing by, she reminisces over a chain of events so romantic and so
    woeful that you’ll wish you could re-write the ending…
    Genre: Historical Fiction
    Buy links:
    Book is out March 25, 2013


    What is the most
    important thing you do for your career now, as compared to when you first
    started writing?
    I network! I think networking is important both in terms of
    becoming more culturally and inter-culturally aware, but also as you don’t know
    who could make impact on your career.
    What websites do you
    visit daily?
    I’m always on Twitter! I check YouTube, Facebook, and Tumblr
    regularly too, but Twitter is a guarantee!
    If you could change
    something about your first book, what would it be?
    I would probably research more in-depth at the start of the
    project. I would use a plan at the beginning too – boring answer!
    What do you enjoy most
    about writing?
    The freedom! How it takes over your time, every moment is
    thinking about that character, the storylines intertwining and where the story
    will go. I would say it’s exhausting in a positive way!
    If you could choose
    anyone to be your mentor who would it be?
    I would love to say Oscar Wilde, Jane Austen, or Stieg
    Larsson but unfortunately they are all no more. I would really like to meet
    Jeff Lindsay; he wrote/writes the Dexter novels which made a big impact on me!
    If you could give the
    younger version of yourself advice what would it be?
    Don’t worry; you’ll be more confident in a few years.
    How do you cope with
    stress as an author?
    I’m not sure I’ve reached that level yet! I’ve spent the
    majority of the past few years stressed because of University; I think that’s
    good preparation for a career in the media – University!
    Do things your family
    or friends do ever end up in a book?
    Not in this novel, but my second novel which I’m currently
    writing is a modern story which will feature some of my friends and family
    stories and anecdotes, and maybe a character or two will be based on someone I
    Which of your books
    would you recommend to someone who doesn’t normally read your genre, and why?
    My debut novel ‘the Luminous Memories of Alexander Vile’,
    although is thwarted with suspense, grotesque scenes and a lot of imagery has
    an underlining romance about it. Infact the romance scenes are my favourite
    moments of the novel and the most personal to write. There’s definitely a
    subtle emphasis on the romance elements.
    What kind of books do
    you read when taking a break from your own writing?
    I read too many genres! I just finished reading the Great
    Gatsby. I plan on reading ‘Persuasion’, the new book from Lucy Robinson and the
    latest Dexter book soon!
    What was the proudest
    moment of your life so far?
    Graduating was quite amazing! I think the release date will
    be the best day for me though!
    What was your favorite
    vacation and why?
    It was California
    – hands down! I loved everything about the place! I saved up my University loan
    and wages to go there, and it’s geared me to try and achieve success ever
    Favourite Dip?

    Find Me Here

    Website: http://tashjones.co.uk
    Goodreads: http://goodreads.com/tashamash