• Gay or MM

    The Fickle Muse by LM Brown

    Someone Like You.


    I don’t believe that you can be a writer of fiction without having
    heard of the muse. You see it references in blog posts (much like this one) and
    bemoaned on Facebook when it isn’t cooperating. Others scorn the idea of a muse,
    stating that writing is a job and you just get on with it whether the muse is with
    you or not. Regardless of how, everyone eventually hears about the muse.
    I am one of those who firmly believes in the power of the muse.
    The stories that come easiest to me are definitely those where the muse has been
    whispering in my ear and I have listened.
    Of course I can write without a muse, but I find it harder to
    get started, more difficult to make the story flow and consequently most of those
    stories are of poor quality and will probably never see the light of day.
    But when the muse is with me the stories flow from the smallest
    of inspirations. A picture of a single white wolf can spawn a story of shapeshifters,
    a quiz on a radio can generate a plot bunny like the one in my story DrivingMe Crazy, or a passing comment from my editor can inspire a story all of its
    Unfortunately, most of the time the muse talks to me when it
    is far from convenient. When you’re stuck at the evil day job, the last thing you
    need is a muse whispering in your ear and distracting you from your other tasks.
    Then, when I have the time to write the muse has given up trying to foist that plot
    bunny on me and the inspiration for a particular story is lost, sometimes forever.
    There are times though when the muse comes to me just at the
    right time. Last weekend was one such occasion. A plot bunny was calling and I had
    no plans at all. Two whole days of writing like crazy and the first draft of a brand
    new novella was complete. Times like those are when I am most grateful for my muse
    and my belief is at its utmost. I even feel a little sorry for those writers who
    don’t believe in the existence of the muse, for who writing is nothing more than
    a job.
    My muses may not always come to me at the most convenient of
    times, but I have certainly learned to listen when they do.
    I just hope my readers enjoy the stories the muses send my way.

    Someone Like You by L.M. Brown

    Buy link:
    Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/someone-like-you-lm-brown/1113884765
    When Todd Hunter went to university he left behind his boyfriend,
    Deacon Jones. Todd knows Deacon is the one he wants to spend the rest of his life
    with, but for some reason Deacon has stopped returning his calls and is ignoring
    all his letters.
    Now Todd is home for the holidays, and he wants to spend them
    with Deacon. It might not be so easy though. Neither Todd’s family nor Deacon’s
    are happy about their relationship and while Todd knows if they stand together they
    can make it work, convincing Deacon may be the greatest challenge of all.
    Genre: contemporary gay romance (m/m)

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