• Book Release,  Western

    Read Satin Boots by Holly Bargo @hollybargobooks #RLFblog #NewRelease #westernromance

    Read Satin Boots by Holly Bargo @hollybargobooks #RLFblog #NewRelease #westernromanceHolly Bargo, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Satin Boots by Holly Bargo

    Genre: Western Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    Enjoy these sweet, clean romances set in the American Old West:

    Angels High: A woman who makes her living by winning at a man’s game learns to expect trouble, especially when the stakes are high. But when trouble finds her this time, Angelica Durant gets more than she bargained for.

    The Mail Order Bride’s Choice: Looking to improve her circumstances, an indigent woman travels across the country as a mail order bride to meet a fiancé who has plans for her other than marriage.

    Coming Home: Life is hard. No one knows this better than Dessie Humphrey who’s trying to hold onto the family farm. When aid comes in the form of a wanted gunslinger, she’s in no position to refuse.

    Pride And Peace: It’s an open secret on the Lazy Five that Jessie North is a woman, but that doesn’t stop Daniel Harper from reacting badly when he learns about it. Can he overcome his prejudice when the proud half-breed saves his life?

    Resurrection: Undertakers bury the dead; they don’t resurrect bodies left for dead. But that’s exactly what Antonio DiCarlo does when a lovely Swedish immigrant lands on his doorstep.

    The Rancher’s First Love: When a gravely wounded Chinese woman collapses on Clint Cheswick’s front porch, he doesn’t expect to compete with his half-breed foreman for her affection.

    Why did you write this book?

    I previously collaborated with bestselling western author Russ Towne on a collection of western short stories, Six Shots Each Gun. We had a lot of fun. Since I’d hopped into his genre for that project, he suggested collaborating again and edging into my genre: romance, but sticking to the American Old West. We had a lot of trouble coordinating our schedule, which resulted in us releasing separate collections of western romances, mine being Satin Boots. We still intend to collaborate on another project.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    Romance. No question about that. Fantasy follows close behind. However, I also enjoy reading mysteries (Robert B. Parker and Dick Francis are old favorites), too.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    I have to admit to an enduring fondness for Spenser, created by Robert B. Parker. He’s so self-contained and confident in what he can (and can’t) do and what he knows (and doesn’t know) that I envy him. I enjoy the wry humor, too.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I’m working on a contemporary/new adult/biker romance that takes place in northern Ohio. Two disparate worlds collide when a country girl crashes into a biker rally in pursuit of the biker who shoots and kills her sister’s 4-H steer. The hero is a war veteran, a former Marine who lives the motorcycle club (MC) lifestyle because he needs the organizational structure and freedom of the open road. I haven’t quite figured out how they’re going to reconcile their differences in such a manner that doesn’t require either of them giving up everything to conform to the other’s lifestyle. That should be interesting.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    I started on another paranormal romance which may very well be a fifth book in the Immortal Shifters series. The hero is a dragon shifter and I think I’m going to make the heroine sidhe. I also have over two dozen more unfinished manuscripts to work on if nothing else grabs my attention.

    Where to buy Satin Boots

    Publisher: Hen House Publishing

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Satin-Boots-Short-Western-Romances-ebook/dp/B07XKCLPGK

    Holly Bargo Social Media

    Holly Bargo never outgrew a love of fairy tales, legends, and myths. Or horses. However, one foot must remain firmly planted in the real world which is where Holly makes her living as a freelance writer and editor. She and her husband have two grown children and live on a southwest Ohio hobby farm with a menagerie indoor and outdoor animals.
    When she’s not working on other people’s documents or reading, Holly finds time to transfer the voices in her head to paper … er … computer. If she doesn’t, there’s a definite possibility her mind will explode.
    And for those who might wonder from where the pseudonym of Holly Bargo came, it’s quite simple really. Horses. Namely an elegant and temperamental Appaloosa mare who has long since crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is fondly remembered for guarding toddler children and crushing a brand new pager.
    But that’s another story.
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