• Gay or MM

    No One on Earth @JenniferTLoring #RLFblog #scifiromance #SFR

    Welcome Jennifer Loring author of No One on Earth, a new m/m
    sci-fi romance.
    Why did you write
    this book?
    After Glows Publishing had put out a call for m/m sci-fi
    romance novellas to be collected into a holiday-themed anthology. The concept
    interested me, so I experimented with a couple of different story ideas, all
    involving Native American folklore, before settling on the legend of the
    Handsome Fellow. I grew up on a reservation, but this was my first time writing
    an indigenous character. I don’t think it will be my last. J Anyway,
    the novella first appeared in Starstruck Holidays this past Christmas and is
    now releasing on its own.
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    It will probably always be horror. I also love non-fiction.
    Who is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own)?
    Two are characters I’ve loved since I was a
    teenager—Irrylath from The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce and Zach
    from Poppy Z. Brite’s Drawing Blood. I also adore Constantine from Robin
    McKinley’s Sunshine.
    What are you working
    on at the moment?
    A Gothic/paranormal romance novella for After Glows,
    concepts for a narrative game, and a lot of short fiction.
    What books will we see
    from you in coming months?
    March will bring my novella Prison Made of Mirrors, a
    retelling of Snow White, from Strange Fictions Press. The final book of The
    Firebird Trilogy (The Pieces of Us) releases from Limitless Publishing in April,
    and the first Erotikós anthology—containing two of my erotic horror short
    stories—from DarkFuse. In May, I’ll be in a contemporary romance anthology that
    I can’t talk about yet.
    Please tell us about
    your latest book.
    Genre: m/m sci-fi romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Jon, a psychic since childhood, has never felt at home in
    the world, even less so after his lover died on Winter Solstice a year ago.
    Since his abilities failed him when he needed them most, he turns to alcohol
    and rejects his family’s assertion that he is a Star Child—an alien/human
    hybrid. When Jon’s sister suggests he should look into the legend of Handsome
    Fellow, Jon decides that if he cannot find happiness himself, he will bring it
    to others.
    Erukkass’ people, a species of interdimensional aliens, have
    been observing Earth and interacting with humans for so many centuries that
    some Native American tribes believe their ancestors originated from the stars.
    After his lover passed away in what appears to be a medical accident, he
    accepts a scientific mission… but not for the reasons his government expects. He
    has located his beloved on another timeline, in another universe—ours—and he
    will not leave without him.
    Jon returns home from work one evening to find a gift of his
    own—a strange young man waiting for him. Erukkass unveils one stunning
    revelation after another, including the truth behind his lover’s death and the
    nature of time itself. Can he and Jon forge a future together, or will two
    timelines that have always intersected, no matter when or where, finally be
    forced to diverge?
    Publisher: http://www.afterglowspublishing.com/no-one-on-earth/

    Jennifer Loring Social Media

    Jennifer Loring has been, among other things, a DJ, an
    insurance claims assistant, and an editor. Her short fiction has been published
    widely both online and in print; she has worked with Crystal Lake Publishing,
    DarkFuse, and Crowded Quarantine, among many others. Longer work most notably
    includes the contemporary/sports romance series The Firebird Trilogy and the
    critically acclaimed psychological horror novella Conduits. She lives in
    Philadelphia, PA with her husband, their turtle, and two basset hounds.