• RLF Gems

    RLF Gems: Blog Stats for Feb 2013 #RLFblog

    RLF Gems

    In February, Romance Lives Forever introduced two new
    features. Cover Love is a short intro to a book and includes only a blurb, buy
    links, and social media contacts for the author. We use it if one of our scheduled
    authors is unable to appear, and no other material is on hand. If you would
    like to submit your book for this feature, see the FAQ page for more
    information. The other was a full week dedicated to one publisher. There will
    be four this year, including Liquid Silver Books
    in June, and JMS Books LLC in September. For
    February, it was the Boroughs
    Publishing Group
    , “Where Story Matters.”
    There were 7 posts by Boroughs, 17 author interviews, 3 book
    releases, and 1 article for 28 posts in a 28 day month.
    There were unusual ties this month. Jerrie Alexander and Keta Diablo
    shared a spot because their posts went up the same day. Boroughs took first,
    third, and fourth place, and three people had even numbers of hits for fifth. Here
    are the top posts (judging by page hits).
    1. Boroughs Publishing
    2. Jerrie Alexander / Keta Diablo
    3. Boroughs Publishing
    4. Boroughs Publishing
    5. Vicki Batman
    5. Allie Ritch
    5. Donna Cummings
    Authors who guest with us are promoted on Facebook, via
    Triberr to over 549k potential readers, are featured front page in the daily Romance Lives Forever Paper.li ezine,
    and the blog has its own hashtag (#rlfblog) on Twitter. This year, we also
    created the Booklover’s Guide to Romance
    Lives Forever
    with links to guest authors’ books and social media. It is
    110 pages crammed full of who to follow and what to read. The FAQ page provides
    updated downloads of optional interview questions, and a guide to the blog. You
    can also grab our button to promote your visit.
    My thanks to all who took part this month. You made Romance
    Lives Forever a great place to discover new books and authors.
    Other participants this month in alphabetical order by first
    name are:
    Ashlynne Laynne, Brita
    Addams, Chris Karlsen, Helena Harker, Janet Elizabeth Jones, Jennifer France, Kara
    Leigh Miller, Lorrie Struiff, Lynda Kaye Frazier, Paloma Beck, Raine Delight, Serena
    Zane, Tara Fox Hall, Vicki Batman, Victoria Blisse

    Sister Blogs for Romance Lives
    Forever Launching Soon

    Pure Hearts Romance
    — Sweet Romance, Spunky Authors
    Books at Lunch —
    Your Lunchtime Hangout for Great Books
    Gay Romance Lit — Never
    the Same Romance. Always the Same Sex.
    (watch for details)

  • Contemporary

    Contemporary: I Do…or Die @BookEmDonna #RLFblog

    Donna Cummings, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk
    about your book, I Do…or Die.

    Genre: Contemporary Romance
    Publisher: Crimson Romance
    Length: 272 pages
    Heat rating: Sensual
    Tagline: Getting shot at during a wedding was the best thing
    to happen to her love life.
    “Always a bridesmaid, never a bride” is Shelby Atwood’s personal
    credo. She’s managed to avoid commitment all her life – no pets, no plants, not
    even a long-term lease. Heck, she’s had colds last longer than her romantic relationships.
    How could she be any other way when she has a gigolo for a father?

    But then gunfire erupts at the latest wedding she’s agreed to
    be in, and it ends up being the best thing to happen to Shelby’s love life. Detective Ryan Nichols is
    assigned to the case, and when the shootings don’t stop, he becomes her 24-hour
    bodyguard. Shelby
    wouldn’t mind except Ryan is too appealing, too sexy, and too happy to remind her
    of the raucous bachelorette party when she mistook him for a stripper.

    plan is simple: find the shooter, have a fling with Ryan, and return to her non-committal
    life. Unfortunately, the shooter is very elusive. Shelby’s feelings for Ryan are way more than adrenaline-fueled
    lust. And returning to her normal life is now impossible since, despite her lifelong
    resistance, she’s managed to put her heart smack dab in the line of fire.
    Buy links:
    Romance http://crimsonromance.com/crimson-romance-ebooks/crimson-romance-book-genres/contemporary-romance-novels/i-do-or-die/
     Barnes and Noble http://barnesandnoble.com/w/i-do-or-die-donna-cummings/1114001417?ean=9781440560514
    Kobo http://kobobooks.com/ebook/I-Do-Or-Die/book-H9enFejPcUi4zqyj0hCYEw/page1.html
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Shelby Atwood, early
    30’s, TV food personality
    Ryan Nichols, mid-30’s,


    What inspired you to write this book?
    This book started out
    with a little riff from a bridesmaid chatting about all the outrageous bridesmaid
    dresses she’d had to wear. And then all of a sudden this chatty character became
    the heroine, Shelby, who had been a bridesmaid for her best friend four different
    times, only Shelby
    hates weddings. And then there was gunfire at the latest ceremony. . .Things just
    kind of went crazy from there!
    Which character in your current book do you think readers
    will like the most? Why?
    Shelby seems to endear herself to readers, probably
    because of her kooky adventures, and her commitment-phobe qualities, as well as
    her hilarious commentary on all of it. There’s definitely a fan base for the hero,
    Ryan, though.
    When you’re not writing, what would we find you doing?
    Probably “getting
    ready to write” or feeling guilty for not writing! I hang out a lot on Twitter,
    and I love to get inspired by looking at things on Pinterest, and I count them as
    invaluable research tools. *cough* Because they are!
    Are you a plotter, or do you prefer to make it up on the spur
    of the moment?
    I am a confirmed pantser.
    I’m not even sure I make stuff up–it just shows
    up in my brain, and I write it down. It feels like I’m the official stenographer
    for these characters. They say and do what they want to, and I type away. Sometimes
    I’ll pretend like I’m the movie director and suggest they move over here, or say
    such-and-such. When I’m done, they go back to what they were doing in the first
    place, and I just start typing again.
    What’s your writing schedule like?
    It’s pretty much a variation
    of this: “Okay, I’ve got my coffee, so I’ll open up the WIP and get my word
    count done for the day. Oh, wait. I better check Twitter one more time. And Facebook–I
    think somebody left a comment, and I don’t want them feeling ignored. Wow, it’s
    lunchtime already. Well, I’ll just go ahead and check the sales stats on Amazon
    and then really hit it at 1:30. No, 1:45. Heck, I might as well just round it up
    to–how did it get to be 6 p.m. already?!”
    Any advice for new authors?
    Write the story that
    won’t leave you alone. It may be slightly outside your current skill set, but work
    at it anyway. You’ll discover what you like, what your strengths are, and most importantly,
    you’ll find your voice. THAT is your most valuable tool as a writer. It’s what will
    keep readers wanting to read everything you write.
    If you could time travel what era would be your first stop?
    I didn’t even have to
    think about this one! I would go to Regency London, and have a grand time with all
    those rogues and rakes.
    Do you believe in luck?
    I’m not sure if I’d call
    it luck, but I definitely believe there’s something
    that happens outside of the normal everyday plane. It feels like coincidence sometimes,
    the way things happen, being in the right place at just the right moment. Or having
    someone show up just as you need them to.
    What’s your favorite movie?
    I love romance and humor,
    so I have a few movies I can watch a zillion times and never get tired of them.
    Strictly Ballroom is one, and Notting Hill is another.
    Donna Cummings

    Please complete the sentence

    I love pizza with forty-eleven kinds of cheese on it.
    I’m always ready for coffee, and more coffee.
    When I’m alone, I crack myself up all the time.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I’m thinking up a new tweet
    right now
    If I had a halo, it would be
    marking my place in whatever book I’m reading.
    If I could learn how to drive a race car, I’d use that
    research for an upcoming book
    I can never eat Brussels sprouts because they are incredibly

    Previous Books

    Lord Midnight, Regency historical
    Summer Lovin’, contemporary romance novella

    Find Me Here

    Website/Blog: http://AllAboutTheWriting.com