• Science Fiction Romance

    Author Interview: Diana Green On the Outside #RLFblog #SciFiRomance

    On The Outside 
    On The Outside by Diana Green
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13
    In a not-so-distant future, the privileged live within protective
    walls, and the rest fend for themselves…on the outside.
    From a life of relative comfort and safety, Orla is plunged into
    a struggle for survival. Her newly emerged phasing powers force her to become a
    fugitive, hunted by government agents, and driven to the edges of society.
    In desperation Orla joins a band of smugglers. Their caravan
    could offer the perfect hiding place, or it could be her undoing. Much of that depends
    on Charlie, top gunslinger and ‘teeth’ of the operation. Will he prove to be a valuable
    ally or just another kind of trouble?

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    Amazon http://amzn.com/B00CL3EAYQ

    Interview with Diana Green

    Why did you write this
    I was driving along in my car, when a song came on. It was The Ghost of Tom Joad by a Celtic group,
    Solas. Something about the lyrics, really gripped me. They painted a picture of
    a life living under railroad bridges and struggling to find enough food.
    I started writing what I thought would be a short story about
    a young homeless woman, but the character and setting just kept evolving, until
    it grew to over a hundred pages. In the process the heroine, Orla, ended up with
    teleporting powers, and the setting became a dystopian future.
    When I wrote about the smugglers’ caravan, the story really took
    off. This setting provided such interesting characters. I had loads of fun with
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    I enjoy science fiction, fantasy, historical, romance, and combinations
    of those genres.
    What is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own characters)?
    Oh dear. That is impossible to answer with only one. I’ll have
    to list a few of my favorites.
    Tyrion Lannister from The Game of Thrones, Tehanu from the Earthsea
    Series, Temmeraire and Captain Laurence from His Majesty’s Dragon, Bilbo Baggins
    from the Hobbit, and Katniss from The Hunger Games.
    Do you enjoy films and/or
    TV shows? Which are your favorites?
    I don’t watch much television, but I love movies. The Lord of
    the Rings trilogy was excellent. I also appreciate intelligent sci-fiction films
    like Moon. Good historic films like The King’s Speech are another favorite of mine.
    I have a special place in my heart for uncommon westerns, such as The Gray Fox,
    A Thousand Pieces of Gold, Appaloosa, The Ballad of Little Jo, and Two Mules for
    Sister Sara.
    What are you working on
    at the moment, and what are we likely to see from you in the coming months?
    I am currently writing the second book in my Dragon Clan trilogy,
    for The Wild Rose Press. The first book, Dragon Wife, should be released sometime
    in the first half of 2014. The series is fantasy romance and follows a clan of dragon
    Tell us about your latest
    On the Outside is set in a dystopian future where the privileged
    live within walled cities, and the rest of the population struggles to survive with
    limited resources and technology. Some people have inherited special abilities like
    teleporting or telepathy. These individuals are hunted by the government, in order
    to be used for research.
    The main character, Orla, is on the run because of her teleporting
    ability. She ends up finding shelter with a traveling caravan, but things are far
    from simple. Adjusting to life with the caravan and learning how to control her
    powers provide ample challenge.
    To complicate matters, the caravan’s top gunslinger, Charlie,
    takes an interest in her. He seems like a dangerous individual, and Orla is not
    at all certain how to handle his attention. To find out what happens, you’ll need
    to read the book.

    Author Bio

    Diana Green

    Since her childhood, growing up in New Zealand, Diana
    has been a storyteller, both with words and paintings. For years she enjoyed teaching
    art and special education, while continuing to write as a hobby. After she developed
    chronic fatigue syndrome, a career change was necessary, but happily this led to
    her becoming a professional author.
    Diana’s favorite genres are fantasy, science fiction, historical,
    and romance. She lives in beautiful Washington
    State, where she writes for
    Champagne Books and The Wild Rose Press.

    Author Social Media

    Website http://www.dianagreenbooks.com