• Science Fiction Romance

    Champion of Entean a new #scifi romance by @CynthiaBryn #RLFblog

    This quick interview includes info about the author, and
    introduces the story.

    About the Author

         C.B. Williams is the author of several fantasy romance books
    that span the subgenres of Young Adult, Space Opera, Science Fiction and
    Romance. While each story is a grand adventure into time and dimension, her
    stories are also reflections of contemporary issues such as social norms,
    relationships, spirituality and environmentalism. She writes with keen
    emotional depth, insightful observations on human nature, and a fabulously
    quirky sense of humor.
         C.B. expresses her creativity across a variety of mediums,
    including painting, blogging and vlogging. She enjoys candid and open
    interactions with fans, readers and other authors, and shares her talent and
    knowledge of the craft through her role as The Manuscript Midwife.
         C.B. recently moved to Washington State, in the shadow of
    Mt. Rainier with her husband, three dogs, four cats and the wild things that
    share their space with her.
    When she’s not writing, you can find her painting,
    adventuring, blogging or coaching other writers as the Manuscript Midwife.
    Visit her online at www.cbwilliams.us.

    Interview with CB Williams

    Why did you write
    this book?
    Champion of Entean was born from a
    photograph and a bottle of wine. No kidding. 
    A friend of mine sent me a picture of this spectacularly handsome and
    intense man she’d found on the internet. I printed it out and stared at it,
    wondering what his story was. A friend came over for a girlfriends’ night. You
    know the kind…it features wine, chocolate and discussions about each other’s’
    significant other. She was dating an artist at the time. Makes for much
    discussion. During a lull in the conversation. (How can this be, you say? It
    must have been before and after the first bite of the triple chocolate brownie
    fudge tort of decadence is all I can think.) Anyway, during said lull, I pull
    out the picture and say “What do you think this guy’s story is?”
    She says, “I think he’s a shaman.
    He looks like he lives in the forest.”
    Sound’s good,” I say, “But he’s on
    a different planet with different rules.”
    “Maybe he represents his planet? A
    spokesman perhaps?” she says.
    “Brilliant! Maybe he’s got all the
    power of the planet he represents,” I say back.
    “Cool,” she says.
    “Yeah,” I say. “Good triple
    chocolate brownie fudge tort of decadence, don’t you think?” (I say this with
    my mouth filled with the stuff. I think I drooled a bit. Gross.) 
    We’re silent for a while. Eating
    and sipping .
    “I wonder,” I say, licking my
    spoon, “What would happen if this powerful guy is taken off his planet and,
    away from his planet, his powers are no longer sourced and he becomes
    And there you have it. How Champion
    of Entean got written
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    I have
    lots of favorites. I think what motivates me more is who’s writing the book. I
    love an artistic author. A wordsmith. A storyteller. But I find many of these
    artists reside in the fantasy genre. Think Tolkien, Patrick Rothfuss, Charles
    de Lint, J.K. Rowling. I read romance, too, mind you. I love Science Fiction
    Romance. I love Space Opera.  Chick Lit. Historicals. You name it.
     Currently, I’m rereading The Spymaster Series by Joanna Bourne. She writes
    historical romance. They are spectacular. 
    Who is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own)?
    It’s true. You do really love your
    own characters. Glad you specified. I hate to pick a favorite! Note my answer
    to the favorite genre. Right now I’m in love with Grey in The Spymaster’s Lady
    because I’m reading about him. He’s love-worthy, believeyoume.  I have a
    huge crush on Paul Atriedes from Dune by Frank Herbert. Okay, and now for a
    female character. I really, REALLY like Jilly Coppercorn in Charles de Lint’s
    urban fantasy novels. She crops up a lot in his books as a secondary character.
    Her story was told in The Onion Girl. She’d be an awesome friend. 
    What are you working
    on at the moment, and will see from you in coming months?
    Currently, I’m working on Episode 2
    of  The Entean Saga.  Brightness Calling. It’s scheduled to be
    released this September.
    Please tell us about
    your latest book.
    I’ve just launched a new series
    that looks at over-population, planet’s resources and the need to protect Mother
    Earth.  The fantasy touch with this
    series is that all of the planets are sentient beings. The first book in the
    series is Champion of Entean: Episode One of the Entean Saga. Here is the story
    Champion! Something comes!
    It is not mine.
    I fear.
    Hurry, Champion!
    And so begins the Entean Saga.
    Eloch, the Champion of Entean, is
    asked by the planet who loves him to travel light-years from his home to Spur,
    a technologically advanced planet whose citizens are determined to colonize
    And because Eloch loves his planet
    Entean, he goes…only to discover that the vast power flowing through him, power
    only a Champion can wield, vanishes the moment the spacecraft bound for Spur
    enters its first wormhole.
    Now powerless and alone, how can
    Eloch stop the colonization, as he has sworn to do?
    Meanwhile, on Spur, Sub-City
    Kinlord Wren has her own problems. Sensing the imminent threat of a Culling, in
    which the strongest of her Folk are taken to serve the UpperUppers who live
    Above while the weak and old are killed, she must find a way to protect those
    under her care. How can she give the Martials what they want while keeping
    those they don’t alive?
    Eloch and Wren—strangers from
    different corners of the universe brought together by happenstance. When their
    paths cross, it will change each’s mission to serve and protect, as well as the
    course of their very lives.

    About the Book

    Title Champion of Entean: Episode One of the Entean Saga
    Genre Science Fiction Romance
    Author CB Williams
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13

    Buy This Book

    Publisher First AlChemy Ranch Books
    Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Champion-Entean-Episode-One-Saga-ebook/dp/B00YPU4YU8/

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