• Historical

    Amanda in the Summer @brendawhitesid2 #RLFblog #romance

    Amanda in the Summer 
    Brenda Whiteside, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk
    about your book, Amanda in the Summer.
    Genre: Mainstream Women’s Fiction, Historical
    Buy links:
    The Wild Rose Press: http://tinyurl.com/ltatmmf
    Worldwide Release date: December 18, 2013
    Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
    Cover artist: Rae Monet
    Length: 45,000 words
    Heat rating: sweet
    Tagline: Three generations of women…and the secret that strengthens
    their love.
    A line of women, all named Amanda, stretches back for generations.
    Each with her hopes, her joys, her pain—each pouring out her heart in correspondence
    with a dear family friend who shares their lives, understands their loves, and joins
    in their sorrows.
    But within the correspondence lies a secret. And as the youngest
    of the Amandas retraces the journey through the years—beginning in post-war America
    and following through to modern day—the letters reveal, layer by layer, the Amandas
    who came before her. Soon, the truths and lies hidden in the letters lead her down
    a path of self-discovery that forges a bond between her past and future.
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Amanda is twenty-four in the opening letter written in 1947.The
    letter is written to Tilly who is the same age. Subsequent letters are written by
    Amanda’s daughter and granddaughter. All of the Amandas are main characters and
    they all write letters to Tilly from 1947 until 2004.


    How did you get your start in the industry?
    My first book was published by The Wild Rose Press in 2010. Prior
    to that, I had short stories published with some free press both in print and on-line.
    What is the most important thing you do for your career now,
    as compared to when you first started writing?
    I write every day. There are days I get hours of writing in but
    there are just as many I get twenty minutes for my craft. The most important thing
    is to keep the creative juices flowing.
    What websites do you visit daily?
    That varies, but I’m on Facebook every day. There are several
    blogs I check in on if the subject matter attracts me.
    If you could change something about your first book, what
    would it be?
    I’d give it one more good edit to catch the things we missed.
    And I might deepen the POV. All in all, it was meant to be a lighthearted suspense
    for entertainment, and I still see it that way.
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    When words come together I find amusing, or when a character
    pops off the page I get excited. So often, creativity is spontaneous. I’m not the
    only writer that says this. We all have those moments when characters run away with
    the story, and we’re just a conduit to the page. It’s plain old fun!
    If you could choose anyone to be your mentor who would it
    I’d have to have two – Maeve Binchy and Diana Gabaldon. I love
    the ever day people feel to Binchy’s stories. I also think she’s a terrific storyteller.
    Gabaldon is a master at deep POV. You can live through her characters. I’d like
    to excel to their level in both those talents.
    If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what
    would it be?
    My younger version didn’t know I wanted to be an author. I’d
    have to tell myself my happiness would be greatest writing – and to get busy and
    stop wasting time.
    What is your work ethic when it comes to writing?
    Like I said, I write every day, but I still get distracted by
    life. You know? So I do have that daily work ethic to keep at it although I wish
    I could ramp it up more.
    How do you cope with stress as an author?
    I work harder. And I complain and eat chocolate.
    Do things your family or friends do ever end up in a book?
    What are some jobs you’ve done before (or while) you were
    a writer?
    I managed a swimming pool company years ago. I’ve worked in a
    library, flipped hamburgers at a goofy-golf course and trained child care providers
    in nutrition.
    Which of your books would you recommend to someone who doesn’t
    normally read your genre, and why?
    I’d recommend The Morning After because it’s short (so they wouldn’t
    feel like they were getting roped in for a long read they might not like), sexy
    (but not too sexy) and fun (if they get entertained they might come back for more).
    What kind of books do you read when taking a break from your
    own writing?
    I’m on a suspense kick right now, probably because I’m writing
    a romantic suspense.
    What do you think is the future of traditional publishing?
    There will always be a place for it, but not the monopoly of
    the past.
    What do you wish I had asked you? Please ask and answer it
    Do you have another book in the works for publication? As a matter
    of fact, I do! The Art of Love and Murder is currently in the editing process at
    The Wild Rose Press so the release date hasn’t been set. This is a romantic suspense
    I had a great time writing. I’ve got at least two more novels spinning off from
    characters in this book.
    Imagine you get to go on a dream vacation, but you have only
    one hour to pack and leave, and it starts as soon as you finish this interview.
    What will you take with you and where will you go?
    My cosmetics would be first, followed by a few sweaters, boots
    and denim. Love my denim. Then I’d be off to Ireland. One of my grandfathers, a very
    colorful man, was Irish and I’ve always wanted to go there.
    What is your favorite holiday and why?
    Thanksgiving has always been my favorite. The coming together
    of family and friends for nothing more than to eat and talk is so enjoyable. No
    stress of giving and getting in the material sense. It’s the one time each year
    when I’ll get to enjoy people I might not see all year long.
    What good book have you read recently?
    I’m reading Sandford’s Prey series about Lucas Davenport. I’m
    on book four.
    Brenda Whiteside

    Previous Books

    Sleeping with the Lights On
    Honey On White Bread
    The Morning After
    Warm Christmas Wishes (Anthology)
    A Holiday to Remember (written
    with nine other authors)
    Just One Wish (Holiday anthology)

    Books Coming Soon

    The Art of Love and Murder

    Find Me Here

    Goodreads: https://http://goodreads.com/author/show/3972045.Brenda_Whiteside
    Group Blog, The Roses of Prose: http://rosesofprose.blogspot.com/