
Paranormal includes elements beyond the range of scientific explanation, blending themes from fantasy, science fiction, and horror.

  • Bucket List,  Shapeshifter

    Bucket List: Magnus from To Eternity @DaisyBanks16 #RLFblog #PNR

    To Eternity
    by Daisy Banks 
    Introducing Magnus Johansson from To Eternity. This is his
    bucket list.

    About the Book

    Title To Eternity, wild beneath the moon-Book 2 in the Timeless
    Genre Paranormal
    Author Daisy Banks
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    For four centuries Magnus has lived
    according to the dictates of the moon, his heart isolated by the domination of his
    wolf nature. Now fate has brought the beautiful, independent Sian to his house at
    Darnwell and their irresistible attraction has exploded into a white-hot passion.
    Yet she is not wolf, and the time has come for her to embrace the change. But once
    she completes the ritual and claims her place next to Magnus, the rivals will appear
    on the horizon…

    The Bucket List of Magnus Johansson

    This interview is designed for your hero to describe his/her bucket list for
    readers. Answer the questions as the character.

    Name: Magnus Johansson
    Age: Approximately four hundred and eighty five.
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Darnwell England
    Profession: He is of independent means and therefore has no professional
    Welcome to Romance Lives
    Forever. Your author introduced you. Now we’d like to get to know you better. Please
    tell us about yourself.
    Thank you for inviting me to take part in this interview. Man
    or myth, or something in between, that is how I have described myself in the past.
    My existence, I can’t call it life, was grim. Until I met Sian I had been solitary
    for many years. I preferred to be alone rather than risk forming relationships with
    others. I had some bitter experiences in my youth and the pain from them was compounded
    by living through the losses of the war years. I thought being alone was my only
    honorable option.
    I am sure you are aware I am afflicted with the werewolf curse.
    Please, don’t worry. I am quite safe at present. The full moon is past for this
    month. Even during the full moon I try to limit the number of times I hunt and am
    very selective of my hunting grounds. When I am not under the control of the moon
    I spend much time in organizing restoration work on my home. The orangery and the
    walled garden are current projects. Since I met Sian she has helped me with these
    tasks and so many other things. Sian has turned my world around, I wouldn’t be here
    speaking with you today if not for her influence. Sian shares my interest in antiques
    and architecture. She has an eye for beauty in its many forms.
    I do apologize, this is supposed to be about me, but I can’t
    help talking about Sian. Shall we continue with the interview?
    When someone dies, we say they “kicked the bucket.”
    Therefore, a list of things that a person wants to accomplish, places to go, situations
    to experience, and so on have become known as a “Bucket List.” We’d like
    to know yours, please. If you haven’t made one before, perhaps now would be a good
    time. Who knows? It might inspire another book. While you’re at it, how about telling
    us about some of your other favorite things? Here are the questions.
    What are two places you
    would like to visit before you die, and why?
    This is very interesting. As a werewolf, my death, barring unfortunate
    circumstances, is very unlikely, but I would like to answer the questions all the
    same. I would enjoy the chance to visit Egypt with Sian. She quite rightly pointed
    out that if I journey there I could relish the sense of a time well beyond my own
    existence. That would be a very enlightening experience.
    There is also a beach I once visited in the Caribbean and I would
    like to return there. The memory of the place features often in the dreams I share
    with Sian. I would like to take her there and show her the reality. Hopefully, in
    the intervening years since I first visited, the beach hasn’t changed too much.
    I once found peace there and in my younger days that was a very rare occurrence.
    Where is a place you would
    never like to return, and why?
    The place is London, but not as it is now. Sian has taken me
    to visit London several times and I have enjoyed each journey we have made. I would
    prefer not to return as I was in the eighteenth century. I behaved rather badly
    then and have no pride in my activities in that era of my life. Grief can have a
    very damaging effect in many different ways. I’m afraid it made a self-centered
    creature of me. I hunted with impunity and relished the chase in a way I am rather
    ashamed of now.
    Who is someone you would
    like to meet, and why?
    I would like to meet the founder of my family line and discover
    how the werewolf curse first took hold. I would ask them if they ever found a way
    to conquer the wretched affliction.
    Who is someone you would
    like to avoid, and why?
    At present the person I would wish to have no contact with is
    Mr. Franklyn Gorsewell. He is a despicable creature who has threatened and even
    physically harmed the woman I love. A reckoning between he and I must eventually
    come, and I believe it will be savage. Please don’t think I fear that, I don’t,
    but Sian will be distressed by such an event, after all he was once her employer
    and so called mentor. He abused that position of trust. He is utterly without merit.
    If you could time travel
    to any date, what would it be, and what would you do there?
    I have a rather strange and sometimes strained relationship with
    time. If I were able to travel in time I would wish to return to the day I met Sian.
    I would do things differently you see. I’m afraid to say I wasn’t very grateful
    at first that she made me live. I’d been alone for so long, I might as well have
    been dead. I fought against being dragged back to life in the fear of its hurts.
    I shouldn’t have done. I ought to have been gentler with her, accepted the wonderful
    love she offered me and thanked her for it. Yes, if I could travel in time I would
    return to experience those first days with her again. She is the most courageous
    woman I have ever met and I’d like to honor that rather than being as difficult
    as I was. Of course, Sian has forgiven me my foibles, but I would like to make her
    memories of our meeting sweeter.
    What is your birth order?
    I am an only child.
    Tell us about your favorite
    toy as a child.
    My childhood was rather isolated, understandable given my heritage.
    I had few toys but I did have several dogs as companions. It was then I discovered
    my body is not that of an ordinary person. The dogs aged and died, but I hardly
    changed. My parents always provided new ones, but I had to accept the loss of creatures
    I loved. Each lost hound proved bitter lesson for me. I also had several favorite
    ponies and horses as I matured. Their loss though painful didn’t sting quite so
    much as those of my dogs. They did not sleep on my bed, nor beg from my plate or
    offer such devoted companionship.
    I was very fond of a hunting hawk. I’d named her Starlight, for
    her gleaming under wing feathers, when she died I gave up hawking. Later, once I
    reached adolescence and I’d undergone the first year or two of moon induced transformations,
    my parents departed and I became master of my home. I amused myself as any young
    man of wealth might in the era.
    Describe your favorite
    food and how it’s prepared.
    The wolf inheritance influences many aspects of my life and as
    a man I eat a great deal of steak. My cook knows to serve it rare.
    Tell us about your best
    Other than my few servants, my contact with people over the recent
    past has been very limited. In the war years when I was quite active there were
    young men who I called friends, however, they never truly knew me as I am. Sian
    is the one person who knows and accepts me. She offers me the gift of her love.
    She is everything.
    I must leave now as Sian is waiting. Thank you for your questions.
    I hope we meet again sometime in the future. Good day.

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    Publisher Lyrical Press. A Kensington Imprint
    Barnes and Noble

    Author Bio

    Daisy Banks writes sensual and spicy romance in the Historical,
    Paranormal and Fantasy genres. An obsessive writer, Daisy is passionate about her
    stories. Her focus is to offer the best tale she can to readers. Daisy is married,
    with two grown up sons. She lives with her husband in a converted chapel in Shropshire,
    England. Antiques and collecting entertain Daisy when she isn’t writing, she has
    also occasionally been known to make a meal that doesn’t stick to the pan.

    Author Social Media

    Amazon Author Page
  • Vampire

    Character Sketch: Alex from Vampire Territory 1 @AllieRitch #RLFblog #vampire

    Drinking Partners 
    The character sketch allows a hero or heroine to tell
    readers about himself or herself. Today’s interview is with vampire Alexandra
    Title: Vampire Territory 1: Drinking Partners
    Genre: Urban Vampire Romance
    Author: Allie Ritch
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Being the master vampire for the Mid-Atlantic Territory is a
    tough job. Between the Human Rebellion trying to kill him with poisonous suicide
    donors and snobby born vampires bucking his authority, Lucas Thane has his hands
    full. What he needs is a regular drinking partner to feed from and a bigger power
    block. He finds both in the form of Alexandra Gage, the master of the territory
    south of his.
    Alex could use a little help herself, but she has no intention
    of letting Lucas take over. Turned into a vampire against her will, she has had
    enough control taken from her. She’ll never let Lucas usurp her right to rule, but
    will she let him steal her heart? Passion ignites between them, and it’s amazing
    what vampire bodies can do.

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    About the Character

    Name: Alexandra (Alex) Gage
    Age: late 20’s
    Gender: female
    Birthplace: the vampire-free states, US
    Profession: Master of the Southern Territory
    Ethnicity/Species (if not human): vampire
    Describe her body build, skin tone, height and weight. Include
    any unique features such as dimples, freckles, or scars: Alex is average height
    for a modern woman and athletically built. Her tan has faded and the highlights
    in her dirty-blonde hair have darkened because she hasn’t been able to go out in
    the sun since being turned into a vampire. While her blue eyes have stayed the same,
    her strength, reflexes, and senses have all increased exponentially since she was
    Who is the significant other in your character’s life? Lucas
    Thane. He’s her lover, her drinking partner (they exchange blood), and her political
    partner, though she has to watch him closely to keep him from stealing her territory
    out from under her.
    How does your heroine
    Soon after being turned into a vampire and taking over as master
    of the Southern Territory, Alex starts wearing hoodies and jeans. For one thing,
    she doesn’t have a lot of time to shop, what with other bloodsuckers trying to kill
    her and take over power. For another, older vampires can be misogynistic bastards,
    and she likes that many mistake her for a man. Rumor gets around that she’s a cowled
    monk—some ancient vampire gone crazy—and she runs with the image. Lucas later upgrades
    her to a full-length brown leather coat with a hood. Of course, her favorite accessories
    are a semi-automatic pistol and a sword.
    What special skills does your character rely on? Alex relies
    on her superior speed to defend her position as a master vampire and to kill male
    vampires who are bigger and stronger.
    What does she have a knack
    for doing?
    She has a definite knack for drama. There’s nothing like showing
    off a severed head to your subjects to get them to fall in line.
    Does this character see morality as black-and-white, or with
    shades of gray? If Alex didn’t see the world in shades of gray before, she certainly
    does after being turned into the thing she hates most: a vampire. She has a strong
    conscience, yet she’s willing to do whatever it takes to protect herself and those
    closest to her.
    If someone from your character’s
    past showed up, who would she most want it to be, and why? OR who would she most
    NOT want it to be, and why?
    She would NOT want to see her family members. They assume she’s
    dead, and she wants it to stay that way. She knows they couldn’t accept that she
    now has fangs.
    What would help your character
    face hardship and meet any challenge?
    Alex is tough and can handle a lot on her own, but meeting and
    falling for Lucas gives her the extra strength she needs to tackle anything. She
    trusts Lucas with her life and wants him as her partner in every way. But can she
    trust the cunning vampire not to steal her territory?
    How does your character
    express disappointment?
    Alex has one main rule for her vampire subjects: no harming the
    humans or drinking from anyone who doesn’t volunteer. She tends to shoot anyone
    who breaks this rule and disappoints her.
    You live in a violent
    world. How did you find love under the circumstances?
    It was more like love found me. Lucas showed up on my doorstep
    looking to do a little political maneuvering between master vampires. The sexual
    attraction between us was instantaneous. Then I got to know him better, and I was
    a goner, though real trust between us took a little longer.
    What’s it like making
    love to another vampire?
    (Alex grins). There’s a lot of sucking involved.
    What is your philosophy
    in life?
    I’m not really the philosophical type. I tend to focus on the
    present, and at the moment my strategy is simple. Survive, squash my enemies, and
    enjoy the pleasure I share with Lucas.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    To honor the person who chose to share your story, please answer at least four
    of these questions.

    Why do you think your
    writer chose to write about you?
    I think Allie Ritch enjoys action scenes and was ready to write
    a heroine who is a real warrior—one who doesn’t need a man but is certainly strong
    enough to handle a master vampire, both inside and outside the bedroom.
    Was there anything your
    writer discovered about you that was a surprise to one or both of you?
    Before I taught her about weaponry, Allie knew nothing about
    guns. Zilch. She kept asking me where the safety was on my Glock and what a caliber
    meant. It was embarrassing.
    Why do you think your
    writer loves to write?
    She’s creative. I respect that. Maybe I’d do something more artistic
    with my creativity if I weren’t busy fighting other bloodsuckers. Instead, I apply
    my skills to building more innovative booby traps around my home.
    What do you wish your
    writer would write next?
    The sequel to Drinking Partners. Allie has already drafted it,
    and I’m glad. My story and the stories of the vampires with me are far from done.
    Is there anything you’d
    like to say to your writer?
    Yeah. Did you have to let me get shot? I know I can handle it,
    but bullet holes still freaking hurt! Then again, the multi-orgasmic sex with Lucas
    is amazing, so I guess that makes things even.

    Author Bio

    Allie Ritch is a multi­published author of sizzling sci­fi and
    paranormal romance. She has an active imagination and enjoys entertaining others
    through storytelling. Allie lives in her own little world in the Southeastern United
    States, where she spends time appreciating the ocean and sunshine.

    Author Social Media

  • Shapeshifter

    Urban Fantasy: Beast Coast by JC McKenzie @JC_McKenzie #RLFblog #PNR

    Beast Coast by JC McKenzie

    The signs in the zoos saying ‘Don’t Poke the Dangerous Animal’
    never applied to Andy McNeilly.

    About the Book

    Title: Beast Coast
    Series Name: Carus Series, Book Two
    Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
    Editor: Lara Parker
    Cover Artist: Debbie Taylor of DCA Graphics
    Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    When Master Vampire Lucien Delgatto threatens her potential mate
    Wick’s life, Shape Shifter Andrea “Andy” McNeilly will employ a den of
    witches, a bedazzled thong, and her ability to shift into multiple animals to meet
    his demands. She plans to keep Wick safe—even if she’s not speaking to him. Lucien’s
    unwelcomed control over Wick’s life has thrown Andy into a whirlwind of emotions.
    Though Wick vows to do whatever it takes to earn Andy’s forgiveness
    and win back her trust, it may be too late. This recent conflict awakens something
    within Andy, an animal she’s never learned to control. For hidden beneath all her
    forms is a beast whose anger and brutality rivals none.
    And she’s pissed.

    YouTube Video

    Click here to watch.

    About the Author:

    Born and raised on the Haida Gwaii, off the West Coast of Canada,
    J.C. McKenzie grew up in a pristine wilderness that inspired her to dream. She writes
    Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance.

    Author Social Media

  • Author Interviews,  Shapeshifter

    5 Easy Questions: Kelley Heckart author The Bear Goddess @CelticChick #RLFblog #Fantasy

    5 Easy Questions is an interview is designed to be quick,
    easy, and fun. Today’s guest is Kelley Heckart.
    What were you like when
    you were in school?
    I was quiet and shy. My teachers wrote on my report cards that
    I needed to speak up more in class.
    What is your favorite
    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks
    of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy
    What was your favorite
    book as a child?
    I started reading at age 4 so I don’t remember what I liked then,
    but I do remember when I was a little older I liked the Nancy Drew series. I do
    remember a favorite book as a pre-teen: Where the Red Fern Grows. I also liked The
    What was the last movie
    you watched (home or theater)?
    Divergent. I liked it because there was a strong female heroine
    who wasn’t afraid to fight back.
    If the hero of your latest
    book called you on the phone, what would be a perfect ringtone for him?
    My latest hero is a centaur shifter so I guess it would be a
    song about horses. Wild Horses by the Rolling Stones would be his ringtone. I love
    that song.

    About the Book

    Title: The Bear Goddess, Book 1: The Arcadia Series
    Genre: Greek myths/fantasy
    Author: Kelley Heckart
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Romance, fantasy and magic in Bronze Age Arcadia (Greece)
    Forbidden love…Broken vows…Betrayal…
    Callisto, the daughter of the great Arcadian King Lycaon and
    the nymph Maia, studied all her life to attain the high position of Bear Goddess
    among the nymphs of Artemis, taking a sacred vow of purity. But when she meets a
    mysterious man, her life changes forever.
    Kasin is a prince among the fierce centaurs and one of few who
    can take human shape. A follower of Zeus, he is mystified to save a nymph’s life
    and even worse, to fall in love with an enemy of the centaurs. He is torn between
    his duty to his people and his love for Callisto.
    the nymphs capture Kasin for their next sacrifice, his capture threatens to expose
    his secret connection with Callisto and her betrayal to Artemis. Soul bound to him,
    she cannot allow him to be sacrificed and helps him escape. Obsessed with having
    Callisto for himself, the god Pan is determined to kill the centaur. On the run
    from the nymphs, danger and betrayal follow Kasin and Callisto. To survive, they
    must evade Pan’s vengeance as well as others who also want to keep them apart. Will
    their love for each other be enough to save them?

    Buy This Book

    The Bear Goddess will be available very soon at in
    print and Kindle. To be notified of the release date, please join my special notices

    Author Social Media

  • Shapeshifter

    Cover Love: Dark Sentinels 2 by Dariel Raye @pendarielraye #RLFblog #ParanormalRomance

    Dark Sentinels 2 
    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a book
    and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the author.
    Today’s featured book is Dark Sentinels 2: Torin by Dariel Raye.
    Born to protect, ruled by passion.
    When wolves and shifters start turning up dead, sentinel shifter
    Torin DuMont must battle an enemy bent on destroying those he was born to protect.
    His greatest challenge, however, is uppity human Attorney Stephanie Bates and the
    surprising effect she has on his heart.
    Enjoy a Facebook party for Dariel Raye and friends during September. Plenty of giveaways, and excerpts from great books. 

    Buy This Book

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  • Book Release,  Shapeshifter

    Interview: Jami Gray author of Shadow’s Moon @JamiGrayAuthor #RLFblog #paranormalromance

    Shadow’s Moon
    About the Book
    Title Shadow’s Moon
    Genre Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
    Author Jami Gray
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Interview with Jami Gray

    Why did you write this book?
    This is the third installment in my Urban Fantasy series, The
    Kyn Kronicles. While the first two books follow Raine McCord and Gavin Durand and
    introduce the reader into the shadowy world around us, for this book, I’ve loved
    Xander since she popped up in the first book, and her relationship with Warrick
    held too many layers to ignore. Plus, my critique partners threw down a challenge—”Write
    a romance, we dare you.” I hemmed and hawed, only to get “We triple dog
    dare you.” Sigh, who’s going to turn that down?
    What is your favorite genre to read?
    I’m a huge reader, so my taste are wide, but my favorites are
    Urban Fantasy and Military influenced romantic suspense.
    What is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own characters)?
    Oh, that’s a hard one. I first fell in love with Anita Blake
    in Circus of the Damned by Laurell Hamilton, but have since gone on to develop serious
    feelings for Mercy Thompson of Patricia Briggs’ series, Kate Daniels from Ilona
    Andrew’s series, and Joanne Walker from C.E. Murphy’s Walker Papers series. Of course,
    not to leave out the male half of the fiction world, I love to spend quality time
    with Harry Dresden from Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files. ((wiggles eyebrows))
    Do you enjoy films and/or TV shows? Which are your favorites?
    I live in a household swimming in testosterone, so films are
    a great way to spend time with my boys—wild explosions, furious car chases, we’re
    an action flick family all the way. However, I’m a huge devotee to both the ID channel
    and the History Channel. Favorite series right now: The Blacklist. Favorite Movie:
    right now the boys and I are waiting for Guardians of the Galaxy, but me and the
    other half are looking forward to Sin
    City: A Dame To Kill For.
    What are you working on at the moment, and what are we likely to see from you in the coming months?
    I’m just about to begin the second book in my upcoming new Paranormal
    Romantic Suspense series, which spins together a mixed team of ex-military psychics,
    some serious chases, shootouts, and various other mayhem, all while take out the
    baddies of the world. The first book in the PSY-IV Teams (think Cypher), Hunted
    By The Past, will be coming out August 26th.
    Right behind that book, will be the fourth book in the Kyn Kronicles,
    Shadow’s Curse, which should hit shelves Oct/Nov 2014.
    Please tell us about your latest book.
    Without spoilers, Shadow’s Moon follows Xander Cade, the female
    Tracker for the Northwest Motoki wolf pack and
    her unexpected bond with her alpha, Warrick Vidis. The two have to find their way
    as their relationship shifts under them, even as someone is threatening their pack.
    If they can’t find their way to work together, more than them will end up paying
    a deadly price.
    Even a wild heart can be broken…
    A blonde, a brunette and a monster walk into a bar and all hell
    breaks loose.
    It should have been the start of a bad joke, but days from a
    full moon Xander Cade, Tracker for the Northwest Motoki Pack, finds nothing funny
    about confronting an enraged Shifter in a crowded Portland nightclub filled with unsuspecting humans.
    The resulting carnage frays an already thin veil of secrecy shielding the supernatural
    Kyn community from public scrutiny, and ensures she can’t escape the one man she’s
    been determined to avoid, her Alpha and mate, Warrick Vidis. Dominating, protective
    and compelling, Warrick threatens her individuality like no other.
    As the Northwest Alpha wolf, compromise isn’t in Warrick Vidis’s
    vocabulary, but when his reluctant mate, Xander Cade, refuses to leave off the hunt
    for a killer, he has no qualms using whoever or whatever necessary to protect her
    or his pack. A series of unusual deaths involving lone wolves, along with anonymous
    threats against him and his Pack, begin to jeopardize his normal steely control.
    Add in Xander’s continual reluctance to fully accept their Soul bond, and the line
    between intellect and instinct begins to blur, leaving him wondering if one woman’s
    love and acceptance will be enough to save both man and wolf.
    As the danger escalates, threatening not just their Pack but
    those closest to them, Warrick and Xander must find a way to trust each other and
    accept their rare bond or risk losing everything-their pack, their friends and each
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    Author Bio
    Jami Gray is the award winning, multi-published author of the
    Urban Fantasy series, The Kyn Kronicles, and the Paranormal Romantic Suspense series,
    PSY-IV Teams. Her latest release, Shadow’s Moon (5/14) was a Golden Claddaugh Finalist,
    and the first in her newest series, Hunted By The Past, hits shelves in August 2014.
    She is surrounded by Star Wars obsessed males and a male lab, who masquerades as
    a floor rug as she plays with the voices in her head.
    Author Social Media
    Amazon Author Page
